Mish's Global Economic Analysis

by Jay, 14 years ago
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Google Tech Talk May 6, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Mike "Mish" Shedlock. Mike "Mish" Shedlock is author of one of the most read economics blogs on the Internet: Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis [http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/]. Mish gave an @Google talk, sharing his perspective on the state of the global economy (housing, the stock market, commodities, etc.) He also provides his interesting story about how he started blogging, and the impact that it has had on his life personally and professionally. In January, Time.com ranked his site the #1 based on a rounded set of criteria [http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1873144-3,00.html]. From the article: "Although Mish is not an economist by training, he adroitly gets into the thick of economic data. Mish uses observations made by those in major media, so-called experts and government officials and serves up analysis based on his impression of their relevance and validity. The author is not afraid to attack conventional wisdom."