Why Planes Don't Fly Faster

by Super User, 8 years ago
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Select visuals courtesy http://www.Shutterstock.com

Sound by Graham Haerther

1970s first class image courtesy British Airways and used under fair use guidelines
Concorde interior photo courtesy ravas51
British Airways First Class Photo courtesy TravelingOtter
British Airways Business Class Photo courtesy Peter McCarthy and Tony Kent

“Prelude No. 7” and “Prelude No. 14” by Chris Zabriskie

Big thanks to Patreon supporters: Rob Harvey, Venkata Kaushik Nunna, Josh Berger, Paul Jihoon Choi, Huang MingLei, Dylan Benson, Maximillian van Kasbergen, Victor Zimmer, William Chappell, Eyal Matsliah, Sihien,Joseph Bull, Marcelo Alves Vieira, Jonah Paarman, maco2035, Hank Green, Plinio Correa, Connor J Smith, Brady Bellini