Lifetime of a Dynastes Hercules Rhinoceros Beetle - Incredible Metamorphosis Timelapse
by Super User, 8 years ago
Life cycle
The larval stage of the Hercules beetle will last one to two years, with the larva growing up to 4.5 inches (11 cm) in length and weighing more than 100 grams. Much of the life of the larva is spent tunneling through rotting wood. After the larval period, transformation into a pupa, and moulting, the beetle then emerges as an adult.
The larval stage of the Hercules beetle will feed on rotting wood during this two year stage.The adult Hercules beetle feeds on fresh and rotting fruit. They have been observed feeding on peaches, pear, apple, and grapes within captivity.
Music: Kaddish (Instrumental Version) by Dhruva Aliman
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8 years ago